
WeeklyTalk # -

Error: Invalid Frontmatter

Path: D:/inetpub/INO_www/user/pages/05.weeklytalk/093.automate-anything-empower-everyone/

Failed to read D:/inetpub/INO_www/user/pages/05.weeklytalk/093.automate-anything-empower-everyone/ Unexpected characters near "s companies.'" at line 2 (near "og_summary: 'We explore the question of how a wide variety of data and data sources can be combined in the highly complex environments of today's companies.'").

title: 'Automate anything. Empower everyone.'
og_summary: 'We explore the question of how a wide variety of data and data sources can be combined in the highly complex environments of today's companies.'
og_image: weekly93_og.jpg
number: 93
length: 20:33
    provider: youtube
    id: HuMF_M6z78A
    category: []
    tag: []
    section: []
interesting: _groupwt    
date: 13.06.2024 16:00
publish_date: 13.06.2024 01:00

In this episode, we explore how the sometimes very complex environments of today's companies can combine a wide variety of data and data sources so that, ideally, data can be transformed into insights, and what role the software of a company that has chosen mules as its model plays in this process - Automate anything. Empower everyone.

29. August 2024

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