The virtual look over the shoulder

Augmented reality ready-to-use! Simple. Fast. Independent.
No app installation required. Ready for immediate use.

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WeeklyTalk. Video Podcast.

We talk about digitalization topics and interesting aspects of our projects. Always on Thursdays. 4pm.

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Interactive 3D visualizations

Location-independent use together with several users.
Directly on the PC or via data glasses.

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We design and develop individual, modern and cool digital solutions.

WeeklyTalk. INOSOFT Video Podcast.

Current episode from 10/17/2024:
Development of AI solutions for the pharmaceutical industry

Topic of the next broadcast on 10/24/2024:

Augmented Reality in Remote Support - Phase 4


From consulting to conception to the finished digital solution - from the idea to implementation: Our software development, consulting and innovation divisions are closely interlinked, enabling us to achieve the best possible result for every task.

All projects benefit from our knowledge and experience in almost all industries. We have excellent know-how in the pharmaceutical, medical technology and mechanical engineering sectors.

We have successfully designed, implemented and managed over 3,000 projects in recent years.

Experience you can trust. Service you can count on.

Bureaucracy and Overregulation

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Our gift for the 800th anniversary of the city of Marburg

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